Audience winner 2016
Pleasantly different
Since the beginning of 2014, the musicians Karolina Eurich, Sven-Arne Zinnke, Joshua Bredemeier, Silas Bredemeier and Jan Thomas Pruscha have been performing with their own songs and arrangements across Germany and were able to show their first major successes in their debut year. In addition to winning the ACAPIDEO competition at the International A-cappella Week Hanover and winning the acapellica Hamburg competition, HörBänd was awarded 1st prize in the "Best A-Cappella Group" category and 2nd prize in the " Best Pop Act “awarded at the 32nd German Rock & Pop Prize.
From the roots of a male ensemble, the quintet in the sold-out Stadttheater Minden under the motto “VOiCE becomes female” has probably become the most female boy group in the world. Laura Saleh has been an integral part of the ensemble since January 2015 and takes on the female part of the bands.
Musically, HörBänd combines the old with the new, the ordinary with the unimaginable and professionalism with spontaneity in a tried and tested manner. The audience is taken on a journey through fairy-tale worlds, everyday problems or simply into spheres of sound and has so far always been unharmed in the various venues.