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The name of the vocal ensemble "4ME" already suggests why this group exists at all:
> 4 stands for the number of members:
Tenor 1 - Lukas Joham
Tenor 2 - Manuel Schwandt
Bass 1 - Mathias Rosenberger
Bass 2 - Stephan Scheifinger

> ME stands for music education. The four founding members of the group started studying music education at the University of Art and Design in Graz in the academic year 2011/12 and met each other there in the same year through their singing teacher and thus "4miert" this group.

The ensemble is very flexible and can be used in all kinds of music styles. Its genres include:
- Pop (sometimes with instrumental accompaniment, if desired: piano, saxophone, guitar, percussion, cajon)
- German comedy
- Barbershop
- Traditional

The 4 boys from Graz in Austria have a similar history to our audience favorites 2017  Piccanto  behind them, because they too participated very successfully in the television show "The Great Chance of Choirs" in autumn 2016. The quartet reached the finals and was the smallest group among the best four choirs in Austria. Since then, the ensemble has been touring all over Austria and Germany and has delighted audiences with its lively, varied and comedic program. In the meantime, "4ME" has also produced two recordings and changed the line-up.

Great arrangements, high vocal art and a strong dash of humor are the ingredients for a high a cappella culture that leaves no one indifferent. "4ME" sings itself into the hearts of the audience and guarantees an unforgettable concert enjoyment.

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